Master's thesis
The goal of the project was to investigate possible gain and challenges with co-designing a wideband push-pull power amplifier and an omnidirectional antenna.
This document as PDF in English.

Bachelor's thesis
The aim of my Bachelor's thesis was to design and manufacture a power amplifier. The final amplifier had a PAE of 57.8% at an input power of 31 dBm and a gain of 8.7 dB.
This document as PDF in Swedish.

EMPro waveguide simulations
The purpose of this assignment was to simulate the EM-field in different types of waveguides using Agilent's EMPro.
This document as PDF in English.
Wireless link project
The aim of the project was to put a group of students together to construct a wireless link. This document as PDF in English.

Impedance matching
This was an assignment in the course Microwave Engineering. The purpose was to get an understanding for impedance matching using the Smith chart. Also verification of the results in Agilent's ADS was made.
This document as PDF in English.

Solid state physics
This is the report of an experimental assignment in solid state physics. The aim of the experiment was to determine the properties of a material using X-Ray diffraction.
This document as PDF in Swedish.