Betlehemskyrkans musikkår
From spring of 2009 until summer 2013, I was playing the trombone in Betlehemskyrkans musikkår, which is a brass band of English style. The band was founded in the year of 1926, but is still active in its participation in Sunday's services as well as national and international brass band championships. The around 25 musicians pratice and perform mostly Christian music such as hymns, but also non sacred peices such as movie themes. To the right some of the recordings from different events are presented.

The concert "A night at the movies":
20th Century Fox Fanfare | Imperial March | Schindlers List
Children of Sanchez | For the love of a princess | Live and Let Die

The record Festivitas:
Promises March | Pärleporten | Morning has broken

The Swedish brass band championships:
Exodus | Highlands and Lowlands | Shine as the Light

During my exchange year in Munich I started playing with Posaunenchor der Erlöserkirche, München-Schwabing, which is a brass band of German style. To the right is a picture from when we just played at the Gemeindefest.

Münchner Internationales Orchester, abbreviated MiO, was the other musical fellowship I joined during my exchange year. MiO is an symphonic band and is playing mostly classical pieces, but also more modern ones. Every semester is ended by a concert. The profile of MiO is to be an alternative for foreign students to participate in musical activities during their stay. To the right is a picture from the final concert of my first year, and some recordings from the same.
The concert "American Dreams":
Leonard Bernstein - Candide
Dvořák - Symphony No. 9, Movement 1 / 2 / 3 / 4